2008年3月18日 星期二

.Net 學習筆記 01 (線上的資源)

  • http://www.dotnet247.com This site is unreal. It's a summary site that catalogs all the .NET sites on the Web, including Microsoft. Just type in a topic or keyword you're interested in, and I can almost guarantee you that all the articles on the Web related to that topic will come up in its Google search engine.

  • http://www.123aspx.com This site is just like the dotnet247 site, except that it relates to ASP.NET-specific information. It's a hugely important resource to have at your fingertips when you need to get information fast.

  • http://msdn.microsoft.com The million-page developer heaven. This site has not only thousands of .NET samples and articles, but it also covers all technologies from Microsoft, not just .NET. This should be your browser's home page, just to see what's fun and new every day for developers using Microsoft technologies.

  • http://www.angrycoder.com This is not a sample Web site, but rather a .NET e-zine. It's not a site you'll go to every day, but you should check it out once a month to read some of the editorial pieces and personal anecdotes of other .NET developers. At a minimum, you'll get a good laugh reading some of the pieces, which is sometimes necessary when learning new technologies.

  • http://www.gotdotnet.com This is Microsoft's .NET community portal. It has message boards, code uploads, and tons of samples. The best thing about this site is the .NET QuickStart tutorials are online and working, so you always have a reference place to go if you need access to the QuickStarts.

  • http://www.asp.net— This is Microsoft's ASP.NET community Web site. This site has great links to other sites, great downloads for server controls for ASP.NET, and an extremely active message board. This is a good place to get ASP.NET questions answered.

  • www.windowsforms.net This is Microsoft's Windows Forms community site. I personally love Windows Forms because they provide a richer development environment for the applications than the browser does, and they can be run just like browser-based applications. So, make sure that you check out this site to get hard-core Windows Forms information.

  • http://www.ineta.org The International .NET User Group Association was founded to help user groups around the world get the resources and information they need to spread the word about .NET. You can go to this site and search by country, region, and state to find a user group in your area.

  • http://www.fladotnet.net This is the user group I helped found in Florida. We have monthly meetings in Boca Raton, Miami, and Tampa, so if you're in Florida, you can go to the site and get info about the next meeting.

  • http://www.nonprofitways.net I helped found this organization, which enables developers to write applications for not-for-profit organizations. A lot of developers aren't using .NET at work, but they're involved with user groups and other online communities. So, a couple of friends and I decided that we could funnel some of that excitement and energy to give something back to the world. This started as something for our local user group to work on, but has grown into a worldwide community. If you want to write some .NET code in real-life applications, check out the site and get involved!
